Captain Mack’s Mustard Stick Umbrella Rig-Leadcore Rod by Okuma provides plenty of backbone to put the brakes on big fish after the hookup! Trolling puts rigorous demands on tackle, and we designed this rod to stand up to those demands. Equally effective with your favorite mono-filament, braid, or lead core. Keep a set of the Captain Mack’s Umbrella/leadcore rods on board your boat to maximize your trolling success! The Mustard Stick is available in a 7’6″ Medium Heavy Action.ALL NEW MUSTARD STICK UMBRELLA RIG-LEADCORE RODS
Rod Return Policy
Because of the over sized dimensions of the Capt Mack’s Umbrella rig rod, our return policy differs somewhat from other items available on the site. In the event that you have a defective rod, please email pictures of the broken or damaged piece. We will issue a credit/refund per your instruction. This avoids the costs involved with shipping the defective piece plus the return. It may be necessary to mail a portion of the rod (only the piece directly in front of the foregrip) that stays the model and action of the rod.
Please call 1.888.211.3214 if you have any questions concerning shipping or replacement of this item.